Top 5 Things to PREP at the End of This School Year for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR

Top 5 Things to PREP at the End of This School Year for NEXT SCHOOL YEAR.

That’s right, the year is winding down.  I can almost smell the chlorine, beach breeze, or my 9:00 a.m. cup of coffee.  Almost. While we all desire to leave our classroom for the summer asap; completing these five tasks will make your “Back-to-school-you-in-August” so happy you did them!

5.  Purge

4.  Prepare

3.  Assemble

2.  Inventory

1.  Clean

5.  Purge

I am constantly trying to purge.  I admit it.  I struggle with it.  Anyone that works with me knows the standing joke is, “Where is _________, Lesley?  May I borrow it?” Not, “Do you have ___________?”

I am a specialist tasked with teaching 3-year-olds to 12th grade students.  The sheer amount of resources I have is overwhelming. In addition, I teach teachers (for a major university), provide professional development, and sometimes teach adults. I. have. a. lot. of. stuff.

However, I strive to do better all the time.

In the meantime, start small.  Pick 10 old books/binders/games/bulletin board trim (need I add more examples?) and throw it out! It’s exhilarating.  Imagine the new school year, when you come in with fresh supplies and you actually have a place to put them.  Imagine it.

4. Prepare

Prepare bulletin boards for next year and cover them on your last day or last teacher prep day.

Prepare bulletin boards for next year.  One year, I was too tired and just “done,” so I stripped bulletin boards and thought, “I’ll come up and get them ready this summer.”

Well, even though I went to school, I couldn’t get the bulletin boards ready.  From a blocked closet to a waxed floor, I ran into hindrances. Well, in the end, our school had open house the first work day back.  THE. FIRST. WORK. DAY.

That’s right!  Guess who was scrambling to not have their classroom look like a stark, office supply store?  If I had just forced myself to take time at the end of the year to prepare and then COVER the boards (to prevent dust, dirt, and fading), I would have been much happier.

Do it.  You will feel so great when you come back and your walls are ready.

If you buy new, bulletin board items over the summer, then go put them up.  Or wait until the first week of school passes and you can breathe a bit.  Now, the pressure will be off.

3. Assemble a filing system for next school year

Take out 10 brand-new folders and get them ready.

Remember how hectic the first few days are?  I have LOST important papers on the “desk mound”( as we shall call it) because I didn’t have some sort of filing system ready to go.

I recommend picking up nice folders that you will want to pull out and use.  Store them in your first desk box you open, or in your top desk drawer.  The key is to place them somewhere you an easily locate them even before you have unboxed your room or uncovered large items. You can always update labels and change them once you start the school.  In the meantime, it helps tame the paperwork beast that rears its head at the beginning of the year.

Suggested Labels:

  1. To Do
  2. File
  3. Copy
  4. Professional Development
  5. Parent Information
  6. Student Information (put your class list here until you get yourself sorted)
  7. Staff Procedures
  8. To Send Home
2. Take Inventory

That’s right.  We are all ready to close the door and put this school year in the books.  But, if you are anything like me, when the school supplies come out, I get really excited.  My husband thinks it could be a sickness.  I start circling the discount crayon bins and he says, “Don’t you have crayons?”

So I ask:  Do you have crayons?


Do you have markers?


How many of us have spent our own money to buy materials, only to find out we still had some at school?  Gulp.  I’d like to plead the fifth now.

Take 20 minutes to take inventory of your supplies so you know what you need when the school sales hit.  No need to run to school and check.

If you have supply money to spend, then spend it and store new items for next year.

1. Clean

Clean the entire top of your desk.  

Do it.  Some schools require it and others don’t.  However, there is nothing better than starting with a clean slate each year.  You will be more likely to rearrange your room when your desk is clean.  (Cleaning out…well, that’s another post).  At least clear the entire top of your desk. Leave NOTHING on it, except maybe a box or computer monitor (based on your school policy).

  • Photos + special collectibles (apple paperweights, anyone?)—put in a dollar store bin with a lid.  Store tucked away or take it home for the summer.
  • Electronics-follow your school policy.   Check them out for the summer or store them at school.
  • Desk Filing bins—empty them.  That’s right.  Every. Single. One.  I’m going to put up some accountability photos soon. Trust me, I’m practicing what I preach here. Every year it is a dreaded task (oops, was I supposed to turn that paper in?), but freeing once accomplished.
  • Pen containers—if you have time, go through them and toss any broken pens, pencils, markers.  If there are writing instruments you never use, then move them to a student bin or toss them.   If you don’t have time, store them in another clear, dollar store bin for the start of the year. Remember that this is a task your students could help with as the school year is winding down.

The goal is your desk becoming a clean slate.

I hope these tips help you solve the “end of the year” overwhelm as you head into your summer.  If you have another top tip please leave it in the comments below.  Happy cleaning and HAPPY SUMMER!



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