8 Things to do BEFORE your travel to Disney to make Disney Mornings with Kids Easier

Do these 8 tasks BEFORE you travel to Disney to make your Disney Mornings Magical (and get the kids out of the door for those Magic Hours!)


  1. Prepare all Mousekeeping tip envelopes (money stays the same/envelope ready, saves time in morning/evening)/kids could help
  2. Pack kids’ clothing together in one bag (limited space/easy to separate) for each day.
  3. Prepare your park backpack before you leave (pick up a cheap one/take a different one on the plane, etc.) or put it all in a large Ziploc and ready to pull out of your luggage
  4. Separate spending money
  5. Separate lollipops/candy for each day (fabulous for when kids are waiting in line)
  6. Make your daily list and have it ready (when you are exhausted and dropping into bed, reference your list so you don’t forget something in the morning)
  7. Prepare all accounts for Disney:  Disney app updated, smart phone updated, pinterest articles in a secret board, uber/lyft app updated and installed with account ready.
  8. Pre-sort pennies & quarters for pressing

I ended up getting small medicine containers (in the travel section aisle) and putting quarters and pennies in each.  Each kid had their own container and had some say about which pennies they wanted to press when we would go by a machine.

However, carrying all that change gets heavy, so consider only pressing a few pennies a day, or getting change as you go through the park. We also found several newer machines that allowed us to swipe a card or use Apple pay to pay for the pressed pennies.  Using your phone, card, or magic band is great when you used all your change and find a neat machine that you really want the souvenir coin from.

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