NBPTS Announces Scores Release Date 2018


Hello NBCT Friends!

This week, I received the e-mail with the official date for scores release! The date is December 1st, 2018!

For those of you that have been on this journey a while (like me), this is the earliest I have ever received scores.  My first candidate year, (where I did Components 1 and 2) scores were released December 17.  My second candidate year (Components 3 and 4), scores were released December 16.

This year, scores released for new & returning candidates are scheduled for December 1, 2018!

Check this link for more NBPTS info about scores release: https://www.nbpts.org/national-board-certification/candidate-center/score-release/score-release-faqs-for-first-time-and-returning-candidates

Soon, I’ll share my post about NOT passing National Boards last year.  Whew!  Was that emotional!  It has been a process, but I’m hopeful this year that my re-take makes the mark!!

However, right now, for those of you waiting on one or all of your scores–the date is set.  For those of you thinking about jumping into the process, this gives you an idea of how long it takes to get scores back.  Mind you, I submitted my re-take component this year in May 2018.  Our deadline was May 17, 2018.

Remember to make sure you can access your National Boards account NOW!  NBPTS locks down “recovery features” for the few days around scores release.  If you cannot get into your account at the time of scores release, it will take a few days before you can get help accessing your account again.

Best wishes to everyone eagerly awaiting scores!


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